4 Best Ways to Stay Safe on Your First Date
A free online dating service is a great way to meet people online and get to know them before going out on your first date.
Note: This blog post is a sponsored conversation written by Lynn Smythe, the Founder and Chief Blogger for The Creative Cottage lifestyle blog. The opinions, thoughts, ideas and text are all mine.
I can’t believe it’s almost time to decide which New Year’s Eve celebrations I want to attend. Where did the time go? It seems like 2018 went by in a flash. If you are going through your holiday party invites, but dread showing up to another festive event on your own without a date, don’t worry. A free dating service is a great way to “meet” people online and get to know them before going out on your first date.
Here are my top 4 tips for preparing yourself for your grand dating adventure in 2019!
1. Meet in a Public Space
When it comes time to arrange a location for your initial in-person meeting, I always recommend going to a public location for your first date. Many book shops have a coffee bar or café where you can meet in a public setting. Then, if everything is going great, you can decide if you want to move on to dinner, that New Year’s Eve celebration down by the waterfront or whatever else that sounds like fun.
Meeting in a public space, such as a coffee shop or bar gives you a bit of a safety net. You’re meeting in a public area, so you don’t have to worry about something going wrong if your date turns out NOT to be Prince Charming. You’ve got plenty of people around, so you can just politely thank your date for their time, maybe use a generic comment so as not to offend them, “It was nice meeting you,” then leave the area ASAP.
2. Invite a Friend for Support
Also, you can always invite a friend to come along for support. Your friend doesn’t need to sit in on the date with you, rather, they can browse the bookstore, or whatever, while you’re meeting your online date for the first time. But, if anything goes wonky; your friend, roommate, sister or other family member is there to bail you out if necessary. If they see things going south, they can casually stroll by your table and pretend there is an emergency that needs to be taken care of STAT and you are the only one that can help them out.
3. Keep it Simple
Another good tip is to keep your first date simple and low key. Meeting for drinks is a great way to keep it casual and stress-free, so there is no pressure on either you or your date. If this initial meeting doesn’t go well, and you don’t want to take the next steps towards starting a new relationship, then you simply part ways after 20 or 30 minutes.
I would never recommend going out the movies or to a concert on your first date – both of those scenarios can last HOURS – and you certainly don’t want to be stuck at an all-day or all-night event with someone you don’t click with.
On the other hand, if that initial meeting works out – you like him, and he likes you – then, CONGRATULATIONS! You are on the start of a new friendship and new relationship just in time for the new year. Now you can go ahead and schedule your next date at your favorite music festival, sporting event or local craft beer venue and spend a good amount of time really getting to know your new friend.
4. Don’t Share Personal Info
Here is my number one safety tip to remember when arranging for a first date with someone you discovered through an online dating site. Never give out your personal information to someone you just met – you don’t want your date to start stalking you if you decide not to take the relationship any further after your first meeting. So, keep your home address to yourself until after you get to know your new beau better.
Get Ready for Your Best Dating Adventure in 2019
Dating websites UK are the perfect and safe way to search for singles in the UK and send introductory messages for free. Make sure you take the time to complete your online dating profile, including a few recent photos, and you should start getting interest from other members in no time.
If you meet someone through a dating service and decide it’s time to take the next steps by meeting them in person, remember to stay safe by following these 4 tips. Happy Dating!