5 Health Tips For First-Timers
When we’re young, it seems like we can eat and do anything, and still have a semblance of health and fitness. When we get a little older, however, that begins to change. We can’t take for granted that we’re always going to be fit and healthy. Genetics and other factors work against us, and we might find that we’re less fit and healthy than we’ve ever been before in our lives. So when that happens, we’ll want to correct the issue. But what to do, if you’ve never lived healthily before? We take a look at five tips below that’ll get you moving in the right direction.
Please note: this is a contributed post.
Source: Pexels.com
Learn Some Basic Meals
We’re all pretty busy, and that means that some things get overlooked or pushed to the back of the priorities list. Take eating well. It’s so much more straightforward to throw something frozen into the oven, or microwave, or even get a takeout dish. But that type of eating will soon catch up with you. As such, it’s worth taking the time to learn some basic healthy meals. There are plenty of delicious options out there which take only twenty minutes or so to prepare.
Find an Activity You Love
Our health is a reflection of how we spend our time. If you’re sitting on the couch and watching TV every night, then you’ll have a body that looks like it sits on the couch and watches TV every night. It’s not going to get you very far! So find a different activity, such as SUP, or anything that you love to do and which involves moving your body. If you live near a lot of beautiful outdoor areas, then perhaps you could try hiking. Every weekend, you’ll have a new area to explore, and you’ll be getting healthy at the same time.
Guided Classes
If you’ve never done much exercise before, then you’ll likely benefit from being lead through a class by a professional. It’s easy to give up on your exercise regime if you’re just relying on self-motivation. They say we tend to give up once we’ve used up 60% of our energy; we could do much more, but choose not to. If you’re looking for classes, then try Club Fitness. Whether it’s Zumba or an intense spinning class, you’ll leave the gym knowing that you couldn’t have given any more.
Workout With a Friend
If you’re also looking to build your exercise away from guided classes, then consider getting a friend to join you. You’ll be much more likely to carry on working out once the initial motivation has worn off if you know that there’s someone else out there expecting you to be there each week.
Leave the Fear Behind
Finally, keep in mind that you might need to change your mindset. Fear is the number one emotion that stops people moving forward! If you leave that behind, and really believe that you can control your own fitness levels, then you’ll be in control of your destiny. Fear is fine when it motivates, but not when it stops you from even starting in the first place.