5 Natural Cooling Air Conditioning Methods
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No matter where you live in the U.S., summer means hot temperatures. Even Seattle, which was listed as the number one coolest city in the States in USA Today’s 2013 Top 10 list, gets as hot as 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Sure, you have a reliable air conditioning unit, but what if you could keep your home even cooler so it doesn’t run as much? You can if you follow these five tips.
1. Hang Blinds and Curtains
Window treatments are more than aesthetic enhancements. Blinds, curtains, and drapes help keep your home cooler in the summer. When closed in the morning before it gets too hot, these treatments will block out the sun’s UV rays, and this will keep the indoor temperature down and your AC off more than on. Hang heavy blinds and/or curtains if you don’t have them, and close them up to block the sun.
2. Hang Outdoor Treatments
Don’t stop with the interior of your home. Hang outdoor treatments for an additional layer of protection against the sun’s heat. Awnings above your windows and doors and patio covers keep the sun’s rays from penetrating these vulnerable areas. Another advantage to patio covers is you can enjoy your outdoor space during the day because it’s shaded from the oppressive ultraviolet rays.

3. Install Ceiling Fans and Use Standing Fans
Ceiling fans are another form of air control air conditioning benefits from, and standing fans will also circulate the indoor air. Install ceiling fans throughout the home where they will be of the most benefit. For example, if you live in a two-story home with an open stairwell, a fan at the top will push the hot air down. Use standing fans to keep the AC’s cooled air moving for an overall reduced indoor temperature.
4. Cook Outside
Even with all of the above, if you fire up your oven every night to cook dinner, you’re heating your home. Cook outside whenever you can. You don’t have to have a full outdoor kitchen to keep the heat outdoors. Prepare your foods indoors, and then take them out to an outdoor grill to cook them. Opt for heat-friendly indoor cooking, too, such as heating things in the microwave or slow cooker.
5. Open Up at Night
Finally, if the area where you live cools down at night, open up! Purchase window box fans and run them backwards initially to push warm indoor air outside. Then, once it’s cooled down outdoors, turn them around and draw the cool air in all night. Open your doors, too, for cross-through ventilation, and you can even cool the attached garage if you leave the door open just a crack.
Final Air Condition Tips
All of these tips and many more will keep your air conditioner operating more efficiently. This, of course, translates to cost savings on your summer utility bills. Perhaps even more important, however, is to keep your family cool and comfortable when it’s hot outside. You don’t want anyone, including your pets, to get sick. Speaking of pets, do not leave them outside during the hot summer and never, ever leave them in a hot car. This will kill them, so make sure they stay cool, too.