two men sitting in white moving van

Best Way to Move: Moving Company vs Do It Yourself

Are you about to start college in a new town or moving across the state to start a new job? Discover the top 4 reasons to hire a moving company versus moving yourself.

Moving to start a new job or go to college is extremely overwhelming when you think about it. You have to gather up all of your personal and valuable items, pack them into a box, and try to then carefully unload them once you get to your new home. A DIY do-it-yourself move is a task that might seem easy once your first start thinking about it but moving actually takes a lot of time, money, coordination, and planning to get everything to run as smoothly as possible.

Did you know that the average American actually moves about 12 times in their lifetime? Although some people may find this challenge enjoyable, the majority find it daunting, exhausting, and stressful. There are actually a few good reasons to hire someone to assist you to help alleviate that stress – continue reading to learn some of the benefits of hiring a moving company. 

Image: Weston Moving and Storage

Discover the top 4 benefits of hiring a moving company versus a do-it-yourself move.

Less Work When Hiring Professional Mover

When you hire a professional to help you move, that means less heavy work for you to do. For some people, this is the biggest factor because picking up heavy objects, furniture, or reinjuring themselves from something in the past could be their main obstacle. Hiring a professional mover to do this will not only do the majority of the labor of packing up your items and bringing them to the truck but they will also be able to unload the truck after you move into your new home.

Professional movers have many years of experience in how to properly transport large items from your home safely, without scratching or damaging even more items within your home.  They pay attention to details and know how to avoid narrow hallways or tight corners. They also handle the moving to let you focus on other important items such as figuring out how to get your family and pets from point A to point B. 

Moving In A Timely Manner

Moving needs to be done in a timely fashion. You want to have a company that allows you to be ready to move on time. A quality moving company will be there on time and know that they are racing against the clock in order to pack your items, load them into the truck and then move to your new location. Depending on where you are moving, this could be a weekend move or a weekly move.

If you want a company that stands behind its word, then look into Weston Moving and Storage. This Broward County commercial moving company not only can help you move your office but also your residential home to your new apartment, condo, or building complex. Be sure to talk to their friendly staff about all the needs and expectations you have for your moving company. 

Answers to All Your Questions

Just like meeting someone for the first time on a date, first impressions mean everything. You want to be able to talk to your moving company and have them listen to the requirements that you are looking for and develop a plan around that. You also want a flexible company that will work with your schedule and makes sure your move will be easy and seamless as possible.

You want to be confident when trusting these professionals to move your belongings because they feel like they can truly assist you and are in control. Last, communication is key when having a relationship with your moving company so you want to be talking each and every step of the way, listening to one another’s concerns and requests, and feeling respected and understood. 

DIY Moving Yourself

While it’s great to have a moving company help you, you could also use your own vehicle or rent a small moving van to move but I would only suggest doing this if you have the proper help, stamina, and qualifications. Of course, as listed above, you could pack all your belongings yourself, grab the materials and spend countless days, early morning and night hours packing everything up.

Moving yourself for a long-distance move after college or a new job is time-consuming but it can be done if you have enough time to do so. You could also ask a few friends, neighbors, or family members to assist you in moving, especially if you aren’t moving too far, and rent a U-Haul yourself to help cut costs. 

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Take care,
Lynn Smythe

Founder and Chief Blogger
The Creative Cottage

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