Book Recommendations to Start Your Own Gift Shop
Former Bead Store Owner
I used to own a bead store, called Dolphin Crafts. While I loved having the store, my children were much younger when the store was open, and it proved to be too difficult to be a full time mom and a full time store owner. I closed the around many years ago, and temporarily put my arts and crafts on hold, while I raised my children.
North Carolina Craft Studio
Now that my children are grown up, and no longer living at home, I am thinking about opening a craft gallery/artist studio. I’ll probably wait until I get a chance to relocate to the Carolinas, as I really don’t want to be in Florida anymore. It doesn’t make financial sense to start a new business that will be moved out of state in just a few years.
My plan is to move within the next few years. I would like to be somewhere near Greenville, SC or Waynesville, NC. I have spent a lot of time in both areas, visiting friends and family. The best case scenario would be to have a craft studio on my property that is separate from the house. I can have my workshop setup, without having to worry about making a mess in the house. I can teach classes and have open studio days a few times each year. Not sure if this kind of setup is possible but it sure sounds nice!
Book Recommendations for Starting a Craft or Jewelry Business
I have been researching a few books that contain information on the kind of shops and businesses I admire, to get ideas for my own boutique. Here are my book recommendations for anyone looking to open their own boutique, shop, craft studio or gallery.
I own all five of these books, and have read them all many times. While these books are probably available in paperback, I like to purchase hardcover books whenever possible. Hardcover books hold up better to repeated reading, compared to paperback books, and I just think a hardcover book, with it’s dust jacket, adds a bit of class to my bookshelves. You may be able to borrow some of these books from your local library.
- Turn Your Passion Into Profits; How to Start the Business of Your Dreams. By Janet Allon and the Editors of Victoria Magazine. Published in 2001 by Hearst Communications, hardcover, 219 pages.
- The Specialty Shop; How to Create Your Own Unique and Profitable Retail Business. By Dorothy Finell. Published in 2007 by Amacon Books, hardcover, 226 pages.
- Specialty Shop Retailing; Everything You Need to Know to Run Your Own Store. Third edition, by Carol L. Schroeder. Published in 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, hardcover, 412 pages.
- The Business of Bliss; How to Profit From Doing What You Love. By Janet Allon and the Editors of Victoria Magazine. Published in 1999 by Hearst Communications, hardcover, 222 pages.
- A Shop of One’s Own; Women Who Turned the Dream Into Realty. By Rachel Epstein and the Editors of Victoria Magazine. Published in 2002 by Hearst Communications, hardcover, 223 pages.
Do you have any tips or tricks you’d like to share on how you’ve made money as an entrepreneur not tied down to a regular 9-to-5 job? Leave a comment on this post or shoot me an email: info@thecreativecottage.net if you’d like to talk about possible guest blogging opportunities.
Take care,
Lynn Smythe
Founder and Chief Blogger
The Creative Cottage
Sloth Athletica
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