Decorating Tips to Bring Your Home Back to Life
Have you ever wondered how you can make your home look like the pages of your favorite design magazine? Here are a few decorating tips to update your home decor.
Note: This blog post is a sponsored conversation written by Lynn Smythe, the Founder and Chief Blogger for The Creative Cottage lifestyle blog. The opinions, thoughts, ideas and text are all mine.
Do you ever look at an interior design blog or leaf through a magazine, looking at all of the beautiful houses and think to yourself “why doesn’t my home look like that?”
It’s incredibly common for a lot of us to start to feel kind of bored of our homes after a while and stop giving them the love and attention that they really deserve. This leaves them feeling drab, dull, and kind of lifeless. But that’s not the way that things need to be. Here are just a few things that you can do in order to bring your home back to life – follow these decorating tips.
Fix Things Up
There are few things that can make your home feel more lifeless than bits of damage and disrepair all over the place. It’s the kind of thing that can happen to all of us. Something goes wrong in your home and it’s not exactly urgent, so you put it at the bottom of the to-do list and then promptly forget about it.
Well, now might just be the time to start checking those things off. Simple things like filling holes in the walls, garage door repair, blocked drains, and peeling paintwork are all the kinds of problems that can make a house feel deeply unloved. Luckily, they don’t usually take all that much effort to fix and there are plenty of professionals out there who can take care of them for you.
Add a Splash of Color
It’s a shame how scared a lot of people are to bring some extra color into their homes. They assume that they’re just going to end up making their home look tacky so they stick with the obvious stuff: white and . However, this just means that we’re all living in homes that look completely generic and boring. Why not bring some color into your home and bring it back to life? It’s not only a great way to make your home feel more unique but it’s a great way to use your home to express your personality.
Clear Out the Clutter
There are few things that make a home feel unloved than clutter all over the place. It’s often the kind of thing that most of us don’t even notice since we spend so much of our time living among the clutter. However, by clearing out the junk that you don’t need, you’re not only going to free up a huge amount of space but you’re going to make your home feel a whole lot more clean and open.
A lot of people assume that when they start to feel bored in their home, there is nothing left to do but move on and find somewhere new. And sure, there are a lot of things to be said for starting over and refreshing your life that way, but it can also be a seriously stressful and expensive experience. Why not try to bring some more life into your home first rather than jumping into such a major change in your life right away.
So, there you have it, our top decorating tips to add a bit of interest to the rooms throughout your home.