
Delicious Culinary Treats

Please note: this is a contributed post.

Most of us absolutely love food – the thought of breakfast first thing in the morning and enjoying that mid day lunch that gets you through to the evening, and the thought of that beautiful home cooked dinner at the end of the day. Thinking about delicious culinary treats all day is almost too much to cope with, and it’s one of the reasons why food drives us so much.

So much so, that we often over indulge in food a little too often! But, for all of the food we eat, how often do you think you actually have a real culinary treat versus something that just fills you up? When is the last time you ate food so delicious that it makes your mouth water just thinking about it? Here are just a few of our favorite culinary treats. 


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State Fair Food


This is probably going to be the food jackpot for many people attending state fairs. The food available at state fairs is impressive because there are so much options to try. It’s usually the case that people from all over the country, and possibly even the world, join together to make some of the best state fair food that you could possibly find.

From burgers topped with gooey cheese, to sausages covered in every topping that you could ever dream of, there’s sure to be something for everyone. One thing you might consider, is getting Minnesota’s State Fair Bingo cards. The cards show images of all the great food you’ll find at each fair, with a check to box to mark off after you’ve had a chance to eat each type of food.

There are state fairs all across the US, and these little bingo cards allow you to keep track of the foods you’re eating as you go. It’s like a game for the taste buds! The best thing is about a fair, is that many of the programs benefit one or more charity groups, meaning you’ll be eating some fine food, and doing something for a good cause!


Fine Dining


It’s not often that we get to treat ourselves to a bit of fine dining, because it’s usually expensive. But, with a bit of research, you can easily get some of the most luxurious food, for half the price you would at a high end restaurant. A lot of family owned businesses have many fine dining options on their menus, and to find them, all you need to do is a quick Google search to see what’s available in your area. Make sure you’re looking at the quality of the food, and not just the price, but at the same time, don’t try and break the bank for something like this.


Quirky Foods


Quirky foods are the ones that we love, and there are plenty of restaurants around the country trying to get in on the latest food trends. We’re talking about the ones that offer crazy challenges that would make your eyes pop out of your head. Or the ones that that are taking the design and presentation of the food to the next level. A popular food trend for 2018 is veggie burgers that mimic the taste, look and feel of red meat – like the plant-based Beyond Burgers currently available at Burger-Fi restaurants across the country.