pregnant woman

How To Improve Your Fertility

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Many couples struggle when trying to have a baby. This could be due to a variety of factors, from certain lifestyle choices, to deeper rooted health problems. Fortunately, there are now more resources out there than ever before for people struggling to conceive. Here are just a few things you can try to improve your fertility.

Please note: this is a contributed post.

The Honest Company

Lifestyle Choices

For some people, a simple change in lifestyle could make a big difference. Pretty much anything that is unhealthy for you could be affecting your ability to conceive. Breaking bad habits and adopting healthy ones in their place could help to boost your fertility.

First, consider giving up the obvious unhealthy habits such as smoking and heavy drinking. Studies have shown that smoking cigarettes reduces egg quality in women and reduces sperm quality in men. Heavy drinking meanwhile has also been linked to lower chances of conception.

Next, take a look at your diet. Overconsumption of fats and sugars can often lead to fertility issues. Try to cut down on these unhealthy foods and up your intake of fish and leafy greens as these foods contain all the nutrients needed for a healthy reproductive system. Iodine-heavy foods such as seafood, coconut and kale have also been found to aid the production of sex hormones.

You should also take steps to beat stress and unhealthy levels of cortisol that could be decreasing your chances of conceiving. If you’re having a hard time at work, it could be worth taking some time off and going on holiday to reduce those stress levels. If taking vacation time isn’t an option, take steps to de-stress, particularly before having sex. This could include taking a bath, meditations, yoga or listening to music.

Pay Attention to Your Ovulation Cycle

Timing can play a big part when trying to conceive. Most women are fertile a day or two after ovulation – this is when the egg is released from the ovary. This typically happens 14 days after the first day of your last period.

Understanding your ovulation cycle can help you plan when to engage in sex for this window of time when you’re most fertile. Most women have a 28-day ovulation cycle, but it can vary for others. There are apps that can help you to track your cycle and tell you the best time for trying to conceive.

It’s possible for some people to fall pregnant outside of this window if sperm is still in the fallopian tube (sperm can live up to 7 days!) or if the egg stays alive longer than the typical 24 hours. Having sex regularly will increase your chances of conceiving more than waiting for a single day each month.

Consider Taking Supplements

There are a number of fertility supplements that can be taken to improve your chances of getting pregnant. Folic acid is a supplement regularly taken during pregnancy, but it can also promote ovulation and is good for the health of your fallopian tubes. Supplements containing zinc, iron and magnesium also improve reproductive health. On top of this, antioxidants such as selenium and Vitamin E can improve overall egg health. There are supplements containing a mixture of all these minerals and vitamins. Make sure to look into possible side effects and stick to the recommended dose.


Explore Further Treatment Options

If you’ve tried all the above methods without success, it could be time to consider professional help. You should see a doctor if you haven’t already to get a medical diagnosis. From here, you will be able to decide the next steps.

Many doctors will start by putting you on medication such as fertility drugs that can help tackle hormone imbalances that may be causing infertility. These fertility drugs include clomiphene and gonadotropins. These drugs do have side effects and may increase your chances of having twins, which is something to be wary of before going down this route.

Surgery could be another recommended option. This is done only to remove and alter genetic defects, blockages or growths that could be affecting fertility. A doctor will be able to tell your chances of improving your situation based on the extent of the problem.

IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) could be the next treatment options to consider. IUI is the first option for many due to being more affordable and less invasive. This option involves placing concentrated sperm directly into the uterus. The IVF process involves removing eggs from the ovaries and adding sperm in a laboratory – it is costlier and invasive, but has a higher chance of success.

If these methods prove unsuccessful,  there are other options to consider such as donor eggs or surrogacy. Some people and couples may rely on close friends or family to be donors or surrogates for them, which could eliminate some of the costs.

Seek Out Support

Infertility can be emotionally and financially challenging. For this reason, it can be worth seeking out support. The stress of not being able to conceive could be having a cumulative effect on your inability to fall pregnant. In such cases, you may want to seek emotional support from a counsellor or a support group.

As for financial support, there are interest free loans and charity grants available. Some health insurers may even be willing to pay for fertility treatment – always check with your provider before planning treatment.

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