men in raft

Improve Your Health, Increase Your Effectiveness

Note: This blog post is a sponsored conversation written by Lynn Smythe, the Founder and Chief Blogger for The Creative Cottage lifestyle blog. The opinions, thoughts, ideas and text are all mine.

It’s always important to stay on the lookout for means to improve your health. This, in itself, is a worthwhile cause. However, if you also want to achieve things, experience new things in life, or remain an active and useful member of your community, it’s practically an essential need. Not only can we actualize ourselves profoundly to this end, but we can avoid a great deal of negative issues by following a similar path. This is why most recovering addicts, alcoholics or those who are busting out of lethargy often find their comfort in exercise, in meditation, and in sober temperance.

The truth cannot be ignored – improve your health, increase your effectiveness. Yet it remains to be seen just how we might implement this worthwhile end, and develop a better sense of who we are as a result. Should we only optimize our health for work, or is our work only worthwhile if we’re in peak physical condition? Of course, the answer is ‘no’ to both questions. We know that supplementing such as through reading panax ginseng research, or exercising through a steadfast cardio regimen can help us. But we can also enjoy a great deal of benefit through following these considerations.

Free Time Is Essential

Our culture often celebrates those who work all day and all night, those who pull 90 hour week and manage to stay on top of everything at their jobs. In some professions, such as the medical or legal field, this can be a normal and worthwhile expectation of the job. But for most people, this is not sustainable. On top of that, those who work those insane hours have often made a choice, perhaps not choosing to raise a family or be as active in theirs as a sacrifice for their career. 

If they decide to do that, that is of course their right, and more power to them. But for most people, staying healthy also means deflating, getting some free time in, and busting stress. Ensure that you’re making up for your free time now and then. Take a break. Give yourself a comforting pat on the back. Relax and don’t take things so seriously. When you have time to do this, and time away from your job, your health increases and your workload becomes easier and more favourable to grapple with.

woman doing yoga on the beach
Yoga on the beach is a great way to unwind after a stressful day. Image courtesy Pexels.

Put Yourself Forward

It can be very easy to crouch down and make yourself smaller whenever an opportunity presents itself. But this can only harm your self-image, and as a consequence, your health. Putting yourself forward and giving yourself the best means of a solid sense of self-worth means getting out of your comfort zone.

Perhaps you’ll ask to lead this meeting. Perhaps you’ll be more forthright in your self-promotion when applying for jobs. Work is competitive, and as such it means applying your best practice. This can have a direct impact on how you view yourself, and thus, your emotional health. And that makes all the difference in workplace, no matter if it’s trying or healthy.

Stay Hydrated

Hydrate throughout the day. Limit your caffeine intake. Ensure that you’re getting enough minerals and that you’re drinking from a reliable source. Cut the sugary sodas. The more you do this, the more your body feels comfortable and you can relax in your office or working environment. It’s such a simple step, but you’d be stunned at how effective it can be.

With this advice – we hope you can improve your health and increase your effectiveness.

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