Infographic: How Bloggers Make Money
I started blogging a few years ago as a way to share information on my various hobbies – DIY, home & garden, food & drink, health & wellness, fitness & nutrition, writing & blogging and marketing & communications. I originally thought of my niche hobby blogs as an online journal or diary. I started them more as a way for me to record some of personal life journey and stories and never really thought anyone would read my posts.
Niche Blogging Success
But then my blogs (especially The Creative Cottage) started getting a bit of traffic and now I’m contacted multiple times a week by businesses and media agencies wanting me to write reviews on their products and services. I reject about 90% of these opportunities as most of them don’t align with my readers and followers. For example, I’ll never post anything to do with e-cigarettes (vaping) or gambling – just not my wheel house. So, just because someone offers you money to publish a guest post, or write a product review on your blog, doesn’t mean you should do it.
I found this infographic, Top Earning Blogs and How They Make Money Blogging, on the BloggingBasicis101 blog. While I have many years experience as a Corporate Blogger, blogging for other corporations, I’m currently working as a part-time professional blogger. I create a mixture of product reviews, guest posts and sponsored content on my own blogs and social media sites and I also write content for other sites.
Part-time Blogging Income
This is part-time income at best, and as it’s hit or miss each week, I can’t really plan a budget around my blogging income. My income for last month was about $1600, but next month could be $0. I usually don’t know ahead of time who’s going to contact me to work with them, or in the case of media agencies, create content for their clients.
Here’s a contributed blog that I posted for a client on 5 Things You Need to Know Before Starting Your Blog. If you want to read the details on a few ways I’m making money via blogging, read my article Guest Posts, Product Reviews and Sponsored Content.
Top Earning Blogs and How they Make Money Blogging
Do you have any tips or tricks you’d like to share on how you’ve made money as an entrepreneur not tied down to a regular 9-to-5 job? Shoot me an email:
Take care,
Lynn Smythe
Founder and Chief Blogger
The Creative Cottage
Sloth Athletica
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