woman removing credit card from wallet

Key Ways You Can Enhance The Customer Experience For Your Business

Please note: this is a contributed post.

When it comes to your new business, the ideal scenario would be that you have an array of customers ready to buy your products or order some of  the services your business offers. But, at the beginning of every business journey, this isn’t the case. It takes work, effort and investment in your brand to gain a decent customer following and for it to continue to grow. The experience your customer has is part of that, so how can you make sure that your business delivers? Here are some suggestions.

woman removing credit card from wallet

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Working on Your Brand


One of the best ways you can enhance the customer experience is to take time to overhaul your brand and what your business stands for. This goes a long way towards helping and managing a customer’s expectations of your business. Your brand is important, so you need to focus not only on your logo, and other marketing materials, but also things like the design and ease of use of your website, how your customer service department handles customer complaints, etc.  


Keeping Up to Date with Social Media


So many people use the internet these days to find answers to their questions, research products they are interested in and read product reviews of your business. They may have found you through a Google search, or browsing online, but also you need to make sure that your business and internet platform speaks volumes about what your business is all about.

Social media is a great way to share information on your business, your services and introduce new products. The offers you have, what your business is all about and a little about who you are as a business owner are all great things to share on social media. A decent social media network marketing plan can add to the overall experience a customer has with your business.


Making Sure the Physical Experience is Just as Good


Running a successful business isn’t just about the digital experience, it is also about the physical experience a customer has at your retail storefront. You need to make sure that any customer facing areas, and really anywhere you may talk business, will be a good representation of your business and your brand.

For example, if you run a healthcare business, then the experience of your patients is extremely important. This is where Vomela patient experience solutions can help – they help drive the patient experience through  personalized graphics and communications solutions. If you run a retail store, then you may want to think about the design and the layout of the shop floor. If it is an office environment, then think about adding ambient lighting, artwork and live plants to make sure it feels comfortable and inviting to all visiting clients.


Following Up


Once a sale has been made, or a deal agreed upon, the follow-up element is just as important. It helps a customer feel valued about what you are doing for them, and helps to keep them informed. There are many ways you can do this, from a follow-up phone calls or email to check if they are happy with the products and services they ordered from your company.


The Delivery Element


Finally, you may want to think about the actual delivery element when a customer places an order. Look at things like how long it will take your warehouse to box up the order, how long it takes the package to arrive at your customers location, to how does the order look when the customer is unboxing their items. Pretty packaging, time taken to make sure that their order is carefully packaged for safe delivery – these things can make the difference from a 5-star positive review to a disgruntled customer.

People love going on social media to share their negative experiences and tell all their friends if they weren’t happy with their order. Make sure you are doing everything possible to give your customers and clients a pleasant experience from the first search online, ordering, payment and finally receiving their order.


We hope that these tips help you to enhance the customer experience for your business.  

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