Rural Life: Moving to the Country
Are you tired of the noise, pollution and bright lights of life in the city? Here are our top 4 tips on adjusting to rural living.
Note: This blog post is a sponsored conversation written by Lynn Smythe, the Founder and Chief Blogger for The Creative Cottage lifestyle blog. The opinions, thoughts, ideas and text are all mine.
Fed up of city life? If you’ve been considering a move to the country for a while but are on the fence, here are some reasons for adjusting to rural living that might help you to make up your mind.
More Bang for Your Buck
One of the best things about moving out of a city and into the countryside is how much more ‘bang for your buck’ you get in terms of property. You can often get homes twice the size or more for the same price in the country than you’d get in a big city. Along with lots of outdoor space to enjoy gardening and other outdoor hobbies, keep animals, pets and give your family room to grow.
Adjusting to Rural Living Less Pollution
This one is a no brainer, it only takes looking at rush hour traffic each day to understand how many vehicles pass through cities. Pollution from cars, factories and other businesses all in one area can push up air pollution levels to a point where they’re actually unsafe for young children or those with chronic health conditions. If you want a cleaner and healthier lifestyle then a move to the country could certainly be a big help.
Less Crime
Cities are notorious for their crime rates, and there are a number of reasons for this. Inner city areas tend to house poorer members of society, often living in poverty so can end up turning to crime. With lots of people in one area too, there’s plenty of chances for opportunistic burglars and criminals. You can never guarantee no crime wherever you live, but for the most part you’ll tend to get less of it the further away you are from big towns and cities. If you have the budget for a more luxurious area such as these on williampitt.com or even a gated community then it will be even safer.
More Relaxed Way of Living
When you’ve spent your life in a city, you become accustomed to how busy and chaotic they can be. Rush hour congestion is just a way of life, and you stop paying attention to the thousands of people all rushing around the city centre getting to where they need to be. It’s only when you move away from this and look back that you realize just how much of a stressful environment cities can be.
Sure, they have incredible plus points too- they’re vibrant, exciting and everything you need is all in one place. But there are lots of drawbacks as well, chances are you’ll end up with the opinion ‘cities are nice places to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there again’. Country living is far more relaxed, you don’t have booming nightlife, twenty four hour convenience stores and fast food joints on every turn and you don’t have thriving public transport networks. But you do get calm, peace and quiet.
So, there you go. Our top4 tips on adjusting to rural living if you’re considering a move from city life to the peace and quiet of the countryside.