Woman holding pink and black eyeglasses

Signs Your Eyes And Ears Need A Checkup

Woman holding pink and black eyeglasses

The two most profound senses we have are sight and hearing. We take them for granted every single day and we expect them to function normally. If you start to notice problems with your eyesight or hearing,  then it is time to schedule a checkup. Slowly as we age our sight will begin to fade and this can cause problems in your everyday life. When you’re having problems with your vision, many people aren’t sure what to do or who to see.

The same goes for our hearing, yo expect to wake up every day with no changes. Yet, when if you start to miss certain details of a conversation, or have trouble hearing while doing regular tasks such as checking out at the grocery store, you might tend to panic a little. Here’s some tips to help yo recognize the signs of vision problems or the beginning stages of hearing loss.

Please note: this is a contributed post.

The Challenges of Seeing

You never really appreciate how awesome it is to walk around without glasses until you start to have vision problems of your own. If you find that your vision of the things that are far away has been getting blurry instead of distorted then this is the early sign of sight degeneration. You may find yourself squinting at things, like a street sign, just to read them. This is a clear sign that your eyesight is in need of a checkup to find out what’s going on.

What can fool some people is when your eyesight is fine for far away objects, but as soon as you sit down to read a book you have to hold the pages far to clearly see the words on the page. This is called farsightedness as the objects up close, such as a restaurant menu or computer screen, appear blurry. Squinting too much can also cause headaches as the muscles in the eyes are being forced to work too hard. If any of these vision problems are happening to you, book yourself an eye exam at your family optician or local eyeglass store.

Talking Loudly

When you’re in a bar or a club, you can hear loud music but it can become muffled. The sounds are so loud that your hearing becomes distorted and the only way you can hear your friends is if they shout. This is much like what happens when your hearing begins to fade as people will have to speak louder so you can hear them.

Signs of hearing loss include having to ask your friends and family to repeat what they said to you or to speak up. It could be that you end up shouting to be heard because you can’t hear yourself normally. Book yourself for a hearing evaluation where the professionals will do various tests to evaluate and diagnosis your hearing problem. Prepare for you ear exam by clearing out any earwax with a damp cloth.



Perhaps our most precious senses are our ability to see and hear. If you have any concerns that your hearing or sight are degenerating, it’s time to schedule a checkup with either an eye doctor or ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctor.


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