So You Want To Increase Your Site Hits With Marketing
Please note: this is a contributed post.
For all businesses, not just online ones, it’s vital that they have a consistent stream of traffic to their website. In fact, website traffic to an online store pretty much equates to foot traffic to a traditional brick and mortar business. In both cases, a lack of traffic results in few or even no sales. What this means is that any marketing method that helps increase and retain this traffic are essential to the success of any business. Luckily, you can find out more about this topic (how to build traffic to your website) in this blog post.
Guest Blogging
One way to drive additional traffic to your website is with guest blogging, both as the guest blogger and by hosting writers from other sites as well. Why? Well, when you write for someone else, or have them write a piece for your site, it not only provides a bit of novelty for you readers but will also encourage fans of the guest blogger to view your content as well. This can increase your potential audience which in turn (hopefully) results in more click-through traffic to your commercial/retail site.
Of course, you will need to think carefully about how to approach guest posting opportunities, especially if you are a strictly commercial, or B2B company. In these cases, it may be most appropriate to approach leading experts in your industry, or even celebrities, bloggers, or vloggers (video bloggers) that are known to your target demographic.
Next, it’s also vital to have your SEO on point if you want to make sure you have as many hits on your website as possible. SEO, or each engine optimization, is all about getting your business brand at the top of the natural search results list. Then, when someone searches for your brand name, or a subject that has to do with your business, you will pop up first in SERP (search engine results page) and therefore, be much more likely to get a click through than a company found on the the 4th or 5th page.
Of course, SEO can be a somewhat complicated beast, with both on-site and off-site aspects to consider. On-site SEO is the features on your site that ensure it’s optimized to be picked up by the search engine bots when they explore the web. Such things include the title and tags that you use in your blog posts, as well as the format of your content and even the images.
Off-site SEO is all about creating backlinks to your site, something else that once again can increase the likelihood that your website will be found before others. Off-site SEO is a little different because it means getting other sites to include links back to your site (backlinks), something that can be hard to do. Gone are the days of online content mills that simply let you pay them to place a link to your site on their site. Today most off-site SEO is more organic – for instance – you get a journalist or blogger interested in writing an article on your company or quoting you as a SME (subject matter expert) in an article published on another site.
Luckily, if all this sounds a bit too complicated to deal with, when you have all the other urgent tasks of running a business to deal with, you can always consider enlisting the help of professionals like BCC Interactive SEO Agency to help you. Working with a reputable marketing agency or advertising firm lets you set a monthly budget while working on goals such as increasing your site hits without having to go back to college to get an IT degree!
Create Catchy Headlines
Also, when it comes to getting as many hits on your website as possible, it’s vital that any content you post uses the catchiest of headlines. After all, folks won’t click on your content unless it sounds interesting, or provides a solution to their problem.
Of course, there is a balance to be reached there between exciting content and click bait, the latter being something that is often misleading and makes the readers feel as if they have been promised something that is not actually delivered. Obviously, this is not a marketing tactic that you’ll want associated with your company or brand.
Instead, go for a short and snappy title that informs the reader who the content is for and the value that they will receive from reading it. However, don’t give too much away, because you still need to ensure people click and actually the consume the entirety of the content you are offering. You can always do a search on Google to see if your title contains keywords and/or phrases that are commonly being searched by people looking for information related to your products or brand.
More Than Hits
While a high volume of site hits will always be essential for the success of your business, there is another aspect of this process you need to consider as well. That is successfully converting all those visitors to your website (or at least a percentage of them) into paying customers.
In fact, it’s entirely possible to have a website that receives thousands of hits an hour yet not make many sales. To that end, make sure that your site is optimized for mobile (i.e. searching via cell phones), and also has a built-in sales funnel that captures information (emails, etc.) and offers value, no matter what stage of the buying process your customers are in. Once you’ve built a list of potential customers (through a double opt-in email list) you can schedule an email drip campaign to market your company and your products.