Surviving Online Dating for Seniors
Are you a “mature”, older, single person looking for love? Then follow these tips for online dating for seniors.
Note: This blog post is a sponsored conversation written by Lynn Smythe, the Founder and Chief Blogger for The Creative Cottage lifestyle blog. The opinions, thoughts, ideas and text are all mine.
Are you a senior, single and looking for love? For the more, ahem, “mature” crowd, Older Dating can be challenging. The dating scene for anyone in the 40s and 50s demographic is certainly different than what your childhood notion of what of dating and relationships was going to be like. Follow these tips for online dating for seniors.
When I first moved to Florida years ago, I signed up with one of those old dating services. This was back in time when dinosaurs still roamed the earth – okay – that might be a slight exaggeration. Anyhow, the internet and cellphones weren’t really a thing yet so these dating service businesses were really awesome (NOT).
Ancient Dating Service Horror Story
How these ancient matchmaking services worked is they would sell you a package deal. Once you decided on what dating package you wanted you would sign a contract and pay them a bunch of money. Then their videographer “expert” (whoever happened to be in the office that day) would shoot your video interview. These videos were always super lame, pretty much hope your first take was awesome because that’s all the time they spent on the video. “Hi, I’m Sally. My favorite color is pink and I like to go for long walks on the beach with my dog” or some equally ackward speech.
Then they would create a sheet that contained a few headshot photos and all your statistics (name, rank, serial number, favorite color, likes, dislikes). The vital statistics sheets, with all your personal information, would go into a giant three-ring binder. I remember they had an entire room filled with shelf upon shelf of giant three-ring binders. Row upon row upon row, so much data.
It’s a miracle I got any hits at all through that dating service as it was kind of like thumbing through page after page of mugshots. If someone liked what they read on the paper they could request to view your video. Yes, cellphones and instant messaging are soooooo much better. Anyhow, after viewing your video, if that really got the sparks flying, then the dating service would give your potential mate your phone number and they would call you to arrange your first date. I think the package I had only let me be contacted by other dating service members. I believe it was an extra fee to upgrade to the option to thumb through the pages of the members.
Creepy First Date
I had a guy show up to my apartment one time (rule #1, don’t invite someone you just met through a dating site to your apartment until you’re sure he isn’t a serial killer). So, that was my first mistake. Then I think we went to some club, which normally is a fun thing to do, but the music was so loud we could barely hear each other talk. So, that wasn’t a great way to meet someone for the first time. Also, we took one vehicle to get there so after we determined we weren’t compatible we had to do the awkward drive back to my apartment so he could drop me off back at my place. Wow, that is dating service fail to the extreme – I’m lucky to still be alive!
And if I remember correctly, he ended up being kind of creepy. He brought me flowers, which I probably wouldn’t recommend doing on the first date, it’s a little too aggressive in my opinion. I’m pretty sure he expected a happy ending anyways, even though we had ZERO chemistry. I guess he thought flowers, cover fee to the bar and a couple of drinks meant he owned my body for the night – WRONG!
So, what’s a person in her 50s supposed to do to find Mr. Right?
Online Dating for Seniors
Fast forward to the modern day and thank goodness for online dating for seniors services. I can’t even imagine using one of those old fashioned dating services. Technology is definitely bringing dating and relationships from the stone age to modern times.
If you are interested in over 50 dating then do a quick search on the Internet for the best senior dating sites and get your love life on track.