Three Essential Elements For Freelance Writers
Please note: this is a contributed post.
Freelance writing is a form of work that many people wish to pursue – and it’s easy to see why. You can set your own schedule, use your mastery of words to earn a living, and work from your own home – what could be better than that?
However, as enjoyable as freelance writing can be, it is a business – or, at least, it should be treated as one. As a result, your freelance writing goals require a certain level of investment and time commitment to establish and continue to grow your business. If you want your freelance writing to be as professional, and as profitable, as it can possibly be, then here’s a simple guide to everything you need to turn the dream into a reality.
Finding Reliable Internet Service
In 2018, the majority of freelance writing work is done remotely. You can pick up jobs, meet with clients, and advertise your services all via the internet. As a result, you need to make sure that your internet connection is as stable and reliable as it can be, so take the time to investigate a company like SuddenLink.com when your next internet service renewal is due. It’s important to see good internet service as an investment; with a fast, reliable connection, you’ll be able to find and complete work all the better, and should see your income rise as a result.
Landline vs Cell Phones
While freelance writing does tend to take place mostly online these days, you will likely find a surprising number of clients want to actually talk to you when commissioning work. Many people still believe that conversation is more efficient and helpful than email or text, as you will need to accommodate this preference into your freelance working life.
As a result, you need a phone line – and, ideally, it doesn’t just have to be a cell phone. This is a fact that somewhat bucks a modern trend; as NPR.org details, landlines are becoming increasingly outdated. However, it’s worth making sure you still have a landline for business reasons. If a call with a client is interrupted by a lack of service, static, or echoing – all of which are common with cell phones – then your professional image will suffer hugely.
Professional Email Address
Given that much of the life of a freelance writer is spent reading and replying to emails, it’s important that your email address is suitably professional. While this comic from TheOatmeal.com focuses on what your email address says about your computer skills, the point it makes is fairly consistent with what your email address says about you at all: essentially, opt for an email that is your own domain or Gmail – anything else tends to look amateurish or old-fashioned.
Freelance writing can pave the way to a wonderful future, but it should also be treated as a professional business endeavor. By including the three elements above in your efforts, you can be sure you have the foundations you need for your future working life.