Tips for Protecting Your Kids From Insect and Rodent Pests
With so many wonders to explore, your kids are probably eager to get outside during the summer. There are games to play, picnics to enjoy, and sporting events to participate in.
As a parent, protecting your kids when they indulge in outdoor activities is probably a priority for you, and one danger you may want to be aware of is insect, rodent, and spider bites. These pests often share human environments, so there are a few safety tips you may want to keep in mind as your kids enjoy the summer.
1. Keep Your Lawn Mowed
Keeping your grass short and areas around trees and shrubbery well-trimmed can discourage pests from hiding there. Some dangerous insects, such as brown dog ticks, like to inhabit tall grass and may latch on to a human if one happens to brush past. Keeping your lawn maintained can also keep rodents away, as they prefer thick vegetation to stay hidden from predators. While rodent bites are not common, a cornered rat or or other small wildlife might defend itself if it feels threatened.
2. Maintain Wooden Eaves
Once the summer comes, paper and mud-dauber wasps will be looking for places to build their nests. These flying insects collect materials such as mud, plant material, and dead wood to construct nests and rear their young. While mud daubers tend to be shy, paper wasps can become extremely aggressive if they feel threatened and will sting an unlimited amount of times. Your kids may inadvertently stir up a nest when playing in the yard, increasing the chances of them being attacked.
You can make your home unwelcome to wasps by checking and cleaning your home’s eaves. Knock down and spray developing nests after sundown, when the insects are no longer active. Remove the remains and check the area at least once a week to ensure these dangerous pests do not return.
3. Cover Your Wood Pile
If you have any wood left over from the previous winter, covering it with a thick tarp after you stack it can keep rodents, insects, and spiders from making themselves at home there. Spiders are particularly fond of wood piles and may bite if they fall onto or inside your child’s clothing if he or she brushes past. The best way to discourage pests from making a home in your woodpile is to cover and store it in a shed or other enclosed place.
4. Have Your Home Treated By an Extermination Service
The best pest technicians can assess what type of risk your home may be under when it comes to insect or rodent invasions. They can create a pest-proof barrier around your home and seal up holes or other points of entrance to reduce the risk. Having professional exterminators on your property can also ensure that pest control is practiced safely. Remember to have a list of questions handy for your pest technicians so you can feel confident that your property and family is defended.
Insect and rodent pests can pose a threat to your kids in the form of painful bites and stings. However, when you know how to keep wasps, rats, and other unwelcome vermin away from your property, the risk of injury might be greatly reduced.
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