Waste to Wonder: Call to Artists

I’m a part-time reseller on eBay, Etsy and Poshmark and my YouTube channel mostly features mixed jewelry lot unboxings that I’ve purchased from thrift stores, garage sales and online auctions.
I just started selling online a few months ago so not quite up to being a full-time reseller. I used to make a ton of woven pieces from jewelry to art to wear to decorative accessories. It’s always nice to have a creative hobby to help me not think so much about being unemployed.
Resource Depot Recycled Art Exhibition
So, yesterday, I just did a thing. Since I’m still looking for my next full-time job opportunity I have lots of free time on my hands.
Last night I was looking at the website of one of my favorite local places to source low-cost art supplies – Resource Depot. I saw they had a call to artists for their annual Waste to Wonder exhibition. Back in the day I used to have my own bead store, taught classes, did a few craft and bead shows and wrote how-to articles for a few magazines so my wheels started turning after reading the call to artists.
Anyhow, it’s been FOREVER and a day since I’ve exhibited any of my work. The deadline to apply for the show is SUNDAY! I ended up spending a couple of hours filling out the online application which included updating my artist CV and submitting pictures of some of my older pieces.
Gallery of Fiber Art Application Photos
One of the main requirements of the show is to use at least 70% recycled materials in your work. If I’m accepted I’ll shop for new-to-me supplies at Resource Depot and then a few weeks later submit drawings of the pieces I plan to exhibit, or photos of my works in progress.
FYI: Here are a few of the photos I included with my application. If accepted I want to make 1 or 2 larger decorative fiber art installation pieces incorporating a bunch of repurposed wire, mesh, yarn, ribbons, fabric, beads, etc.

Reach Out to The Creative Cottage
View my artist’s CV here: https://thecreativecottage.net/lynn-smythes-artist-portfolio/
Thanks for stopping by and feel free to follow me online. Here are links to my other sites:
- eBay – www.ebay.com/usr/thecreativecottage
- Poshmark – poshmark.com/closet/creativecottage
- Etsy – www.etsy.com/shop/creativecottageshop
- YouTube: / @thecreativecottage
- Website – TheCreativeCottage.net
- Pinterest – www.pinterest.com/CreativeCottage/
- Facebook – www.facebook.com/MyCreativeCottage
- Instagram – www.instagram.com/mycreativecottage/
As always, feel free to leave me a comment or ask me any questions about contemporary or vintage costume jewelry and estate jewelry. Thank you for stopping by!
Take care,
Lynn Smythe
Founder and Chief Blogger
The Creative Cottage