What Percentage of Calls Should Your Treatment Center Close?
What Percentage of Calls Should My Addiction Treatment Facility Be Closing?
Not every call coming in to your center results in an admission into treatment. As amazing as your admissions team may be they can’t close every call so, what percentage of calls should your treatment center be closing to maintain your census?
A few things to consider include:
- How many calls do you get per day?
- What percentage of admissions do you get from those calls? Is it 1 admissions in 25 calls or is it more like 1 in 50 or 1 in 200?
- What is your current conversion rate?
Determining what percentage of calls you should be closing is a difficult question to answer. It really all depends on your admissions team’s ability to close calls. So, rather than giving you a specific number of calls you need to close per day or a percentage of calls, we are sharing some tips on how to get more inbound calls coming in to your treatment center. But the first issue that needs to be addressed is dropped calls.
Better Handling of Inbound Calls
Here are a few things that can lead to dropped calls, missed calls and lost calls.
The call was never answered so the person calling hangs up and calls another center. To prevent this scenario either route the caller to voicemail or give them an option to leave a number for someone to call them back at a less busy time
The caller hangs up before leaving a message. A solution that often solves this problem is to give the caller an indication of how long a wait it will be before a member of your admissions team can answer their call. The caller may be willing to stay on hold a bit longer if they know they are the next caller in the queue.
The caller isn’t the right fit for your center so you refer them to another facility better matched to their clinical, cultural and financial needs. This is actually not a bad thing – while the call didn’t result in an admissions to your center, you are still helping them get matched with a facility better able to meet their addiction treatment needs.
Client Testimonials
People are turning more and more often to online reviews to decide if they are going to call a particular center. This is all about social proof; just because your ads say you have an awesome facility, with awesome amenities and fantastic treatment modalities, why should they trust you? They don’t know who you are.
But, if you have former clients providing positive reviews and testimonials – that is something potential clients can relate to. The person reviewing you facility (video testimonials work great) is someone that has gone through your program and gotten the help they need. Reach out to former clients and alumni, inquire how they’ve been doing and ask if they’d be willing to leave a review for your facility!
Weak Landing Pages
Focus on a single call to action in each ad and every landing page. Otherwise there is too much information for the client to wade through, and no clear focus. Are you trying to get them to fill out a form to download a case study or is the goal to have them call your treatment center?
Education is not the point – keep the content on your landing pages tight and focus on why the person reading the ad should call your facility ASAP. Use your phone number in multiple locations – on the top of the page to catch readers attention when they first land on the page, definitely on the bottom of page for people who read all the content and maybe even repeat your phone number in the middle of the page.
Call Tracking Metrics
Using a Call Tracking Metrics program lets you monitor each and every call. Listen in on a few calls so you know how each member of your admissions team is handling those calls. Coaching your admissions team on best call handling tactics is a never ending process.