worried girl sitting on bench

Why Too Much Stress Is Bad For Us, and How To Deal With It

Sometimes a little stress can be a positive thing, but as a rule, being overwhelmed with tension is something that can have devastating effects on your body, mind and spirit. In fact, high levels of stress can lower your immune system, cause problems with sleep and has been linked to high blood sugar levels, or even increase the risk of a heart attack. Happily, there are ways to deal with the effects of stress when it does occur. Read the post below for suggestions on how to deal with stress.


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High Blood Sugar


Chronic high blood sugar is a condition that is linked to the development of type 2 diabetes, a condition that if left unchecked can be life threatening, and can be a hugely problematic side effect of being stressed over a long period. High blood sugar is caused when the stress hormones negatively interact with those that help to regulate blood sugar, meaning they cannot function as effectively.

For most people, dealing with the cause of their stress along with changing their diet can help to alleviate this issue. Although, changing your diet and eating habits can be a difficult challenge to make. Luckily, if you are struggling with a dietary change, you can recruit the help of a professional nutritionist. Licensed dietitians and nutritionists are experts in creating a customized eating plan for you that will help you achieve your health goals.

Sleep Solution

Sleep Problems

Anyone suffering from high-stress levels often struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep for the typical 6 to 8 hour duration. Sadly, this often compounds your stress levels because you don’t feel refreshed and ready to deal with what is thrown at you the next day. Of course, there are some improvements you can make that can help you get more sleep. One of the most obvious is to limit the use of all electronic devices for up to two hours before bed.

It’s also possible to use aromatherapy items, like lavender essential oil, to help you get to sleep in a natural way. Although, some people that have chronic sleep issues may also benefit from a combination of intensive exercise earlier in the day and if all else fails, taking a prescription sleep aid prescribed by your doctor. If going the sleeping pill route, this is usually just a temporary measure until normal sleep function has been resumed.

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Reduce Your Stress

Of course, dealing with stress is not just about the individual issues that crop up because of its presence. If you are noticing that stress is having a negative impact on your life, it is essential to find ways of reducing it.

Now, this may include discovering ways to relax and calm down, such as regular exercise, taking meditation and yoga classes. It may even involve some more in-depth psychological work where you learn to embrace stress and fearful feelings and let them move through your consciousness on their own. Counseling can help lower your stress levels overall because you no longer get stuck in a self-judgmental or reactive pattern of behavior.


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