Winter Skincare Tips And Tricks
Now that the colder weather is truly here, most of us are distracted by the promise of Christmas and snow days, and this can lead us to forget how our skin will react to the cold. Quite simply, our skin doesn’t like being cold. During the winter months you will notice problems with dry patches of skin and cracked lips and this can be frustrating when you just want to look your best for be Christmas party. However; there are some simple ways to keep your skin happy and healthy during these harsh conditions.
Please note: this is a contributed post.
Lukewarm Water
One of the truths you will have to face during the winter is that hot water isn’t the answer to your prayers. Unfortunately, coming home after being in the cold and jumping into a hot bath or shower can damage your skin even more than it helps. This is because hot water can strip the skin of your face and hands of their essential oils which can in turn make it more difficult for your skin to stay healthy. Using lukewarm water instead is much better for your skin and will slow down problems from cracking and peeling.
Moisturize Your Skin
During the winter the elements really are against your skin, and this means that you need to make sure you have as much moisture on the skin as you can. Whenever you wash your face or hands, immediately use a hand lotion or face cream – this will make all the difference as you go about your normal day. It sounds like a lot of work but it will be worth it to keep your skin soft and supple.
Choose the Right Product
When it comes to picking a moisturizer for your skin, you need to do more than simply pick up the first product you see on the shelf. Your skin needs something more specific to keep it happy and this means you should avoid lotions that contain petroleum. This ingredient can actually make your skin even more dry and this is obviously not what you want during the colder months. Try to pick out moisturizers which have more natural ingredients and ones which perhaps are water based. Also, choose a lotion based on your skin type – dry, normal, oily or combination. Try out a few different lotions and creams at the store if there are test samples available to help you choose the best product for your skin.
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Protect Your Skin
Your skin is going to need a lot of help during the cold months and this can make living your day to day life a little more effort. To protect your skin from the harsh conditions outside you should use a good lip gloss or lip balm to prevent lip wrinkles and cracking. Wear gloves whenever you go outside to stop your hands cracking and make sure to wear a scarf around your neck and lift it over your face if you need to. All of these little things will not only keep you warm and toasty but they will also make your skin feel so much better.
It’s not just the conditions outside which can hurt your skin during the winter, many workplaces have dry air due to ventilation systems. Furnaces and heating systems take a lot of the moisture out of the air resulting in drier skin during the fall and winter. To stop dry indoor air from affecting you, buying a humidifier is a great idea that will help your skin stay hydrated throughout the day.
While we are speaking about lots of products we can use on the skin during the winter, we should be also looking after our body internally to make the skin healthier and happier. By drinking more water during the cold days you can keep your body hydrated from the inside out and this will allow you to stay healthy and happy throughout the winter months. The added benefit of this is that water will flush away toxins and therefore allow your body to stay protected against those winter bugs.
If you want to get ahead of the game and keep your body nice and supple throughout the winter you can do more than simply washing and moisturizing during the day. Before you get in bed make sure to apply moisturizer or anti-aging cream on any and all dry patches – you can even wear hydrating foot and hand gloves overnight to make sure they are smooth. This can be a huge leap for you and it will make a massive difference to your skin and overall health.
One of the things you might think is counterintuitive during the winter is to exfoliate your skin. But exfoliating your skin isn’t just about exposing healthier looking skin, it also allows for easier absorption of lotions and creams. If you always have a layer of dead cells on your face and hands, the moisturizer you apply won’t soak in as well. This is why we need to get rid of dead cells and allow the moisture to penetrate and keep our skin healthy.
Avoid Irritants
If you have a skin condition such as eczema it can be hard enough keeping your skin hydrated in the summer let alone in the winter. But during this time you need to be even more cautious and avoid things which may irritate the skin. This can be everything from the type of fabric you wear to the perfume you have on, and any of these things can set off your eczema and make it hard for you to keep your skin looking its best. Soft fabrics, aqueous creams and natural products can all make a huge difference.
Water is Your Friend
It’s not only drinking water which can help you stay happy and healthy throughout winter, you can also think about eating food which have a high water content to keep your hydrated from the inside out. For example foods such as cucumber, watermelon and similar fruits have a high water content. Try to up your water consumption as much as you can to help your skin stay hydrated throughout the winter.
Use a Gentle Cleanser
It is tempting when you buy a cleanser to pick one which is high in menthol content and one which has a ton of blemish fighting ingredients. The issue here is that these cleansers are harmful to the body and they can make your skin incredibly dry and irritated. If you are struggling with dry skin this winter, try to change your cleanser to something which is gentle and made for sensitive skin. Simple facial wash for example is gentle and it can be ideal for you to use when you are struggling to keep your skin moisturized in harsh weather conditions.
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Use DIY Masks
Get a bowl and fill it with mashed up avocado, banana, honey and yogurt. Using this on your face once a week can make a major difference in the hydration levels of your skin. Homemade face masks come in so many different varieties, so play around and see which ones you enjoy the most for your skin. A DIY facial is a great solution to keep your skin looking its best during the winter.
We hope you found these tips on how to take care of your skin during the dry winter months helpful. Do you have any great winter beauty or fashion tips, suggestions or stories you’d like to share with The Creative Cottage? Post a comment at the end of this blog or reach out to: info@thecreativecottage.net.
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