Are Your Friends Turning into a Zombie?
Zombies have always been a popular theme for Halloween decorations and costumes.
Originally published on October 12th, 2015 at 9:00 am, Last Updated on September 15th, 2019 at 8:30 am
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. Back when I was living in a large home, as opposed to living in a tiny apartment where I am now, I went all out with decorations throughout the house. I even added a large cemetery in the front yard a day or two before our annual Haunted House Halloween party.
I usually picked a certain theme for each room of the house: Victorian dinner party similar to Disney World’s Haunted Mansion in the dinning room, Frankenstein’s Laboratory just off the kitchen, Madame Matilda’s Psychic Readings Room in the living room, etc. It was a hoot and holler for sure!
Zombies have been a popular theme for many years, what with The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and many undead movies to choose from. Have your friends been acting stranger than normal? If you’ve been wondering if any of your friends may have turned into a zombie then look no further. Take this test to find out if you may be a zombie.

Top Ten Signs You Are a Zombie
1. Did you use to be a vegetarian, but lately have been craving raw brains?
2. Is your favorite breakfast food scrambled brains?
3. Are your favorite toys scrambled eggs and spaghetti, because they remind you of brains and intestines?
4. Does Fido suddenly seem like he would make a good late night snack?
5. Do you go to rave parties at graveyards, and end up digging up the graves looking for snacks?
6. Are you still infected by that “flu” you got 2 years ago?
7. Does the zombie death march describe your running and walking style?
8. Do you have a freezer full of body parts, just waiting for your next dinner party?
9. Did you recently survive a drive-by shooting, yet are still able to walk about despite that fist size hole in your chest?
10. Did you take part in a Vodou ritual on that Caribbean cruise you just got back from?

Zombie Test Results
Add up how many yes answers you gave to the above questions, to find out if you are a zombie, a poser zombie wanna-be, or about to become zombie bait.
Congratulations, you are still human! While you may have a penchant for zombie movies, you haven’t turned into one yet. Buy plenty of canned goods, and lock yourself in your basement or attic, so the zombies can’t get to you.
You are a zombie poser wanna-be, trying to jump on the bandwagon of the popular zombie craze. Eating raw meat doesn’t make you a real zombie. The REAL zombies will know that you are faking it, and they will find you, and EAT you.
7 or more: ZOMBIE
Zombilicious baby! Welcome to the cult of zombiedom. Your neighbors run and hide when they see you coming. You will be really popular at Halloween.