Boy headphones hearing aid.

Hearing Problems? Here’s What To Do

We often go through life revelling in the sights, smells and sounds we experience around us every single day. Our senses help us map out the world and live our lives to the fullest. We rely on our senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste) to make sense of everything around us. But what happens when one of your senses begins to fail? Today we will discuss hearing loss and what you can do if you think you are losing yours.

Boy headphones hearing aid.


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Turn it Down

One of the main causes of hearing loss in adults is playing the radio too loud in the car and putting the TV up too high during the evenings. The more sound our ears are exposed to the more vulnerable they will become and this can cause hearing issues down the line. If you feel as if your hearing ability is starting to falter, make sure that you turn the volume down.

Give Your Ears a Rest

It is just as important as with the rest of your body that you take time out from loud noises and give your ears a rest once in a while. This will be especially true the day after you visit a loud cinema or a concert because your ears need time to recover from the loud noises they were exposed to the night before. Keep the noise to a minimum and it will make a big difference later in life.

Clear Out Ear Wax

Ear wax is always present in your ear. The purpose of ear wax is to stop bacteria reaching your eardrum and prevent infection. However, you never want to have too much wax in your ears because this can block the ear canal and make it harder for you to hear simple things.

If you feel as if you have suddenly lost hearing it could partially be due to a blockage in your ear. You can remove wax either with a syringe full of water squirted into your ear, or you can get an ear wax candle online which will draw the wax out by heat. Whatever you do, don’t use a q tip because you’ll just end up pushing the wax further into your ear!

Get a Hearing Test

If nothing seems to work in getting your hearing back, the best thing you can do for yourself is visit your family doctor, or a ear, nose and throat specialist and get a hearing test. Sometimes your hearing ability will be too far damaged and the only option is to get a test and see where you need to go from there.

Use a Hearing Aid

A hearing aid is something we associate more with older people however; they can be used by anyone at any age. There is no need to be embarrassed if your doctor says you need a hearing aid. These devices simply help amplify the sounds around you making it easier for you to listen to people and things going on in your day. When you get yours, you’ll be shown fitting hearing aids and how to clean and care for them.

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