Stay safe when driving on snow covered roads

Winter Tires Help Deal with Snow and Ice

If you experience heavy snowfall where you live, then buying a good set of winter tires is a great investment to help provide better traction.

The first snowfall of the year is exciting when it first hits. You have kids who are outside waiting to make, snow angels, build snowmen, and even have a snowball fight. If you are the mom or dad to a fur baby or two, they probably enjoy their first frolic in the snow. This can be a great feeling, but after a few days, icy sheets will form and you may even find that you get snowed in on more than one occasion. This is the last thing that you need when you already have so much going on, but preparation, such as investing in a good set of snow tires, is extremely important when it comes to bad winter weather.

Note: This blog post is a sponsored conversation written by Lynn Smythe, the Founder and Chief Blogger for The Creative Cottage lifestyle blog. The opinions, thoughts, ideas and text are all mine.

Winter Snow Tires

If you experience heavy snowfall where you are then winter tires, snow chains, or studded tires (if they are allowed in your state) are a great investment. Winter tires typically have much softer rubber when compared to other types of tires and they are also able to give you much better traction when you are driving in snow and ice. Adding snow tires will give you the chance to stop more rapidly and it could even stop you from having an accident when you are out on the road.

Image courtesy Pexels.

Give Yourself Extra Travel Time

When you are out traveling in the snow and ice, you have to make sure that you give yourself extra time. If you normally take 20 minutes to get to work, then double this time. If you factor in time to remove snow and ice from your car before leaving for work, then you never have to worry about rushing in the morning. Not to mention that it also gives you the chance to really take your time when you are out and about.

Basic Winter Survival Supplies

Before the snow hits, it helps to make sure that you have enough food, water, and other supplies and essentials to last you for a few days. You need to load up on the basics, such as toilet paper and even baby nappies. This way, if you do happen to get stuck inside for a few days, you can easily get by without too much stress. You may also want to invest in a gas detection device as well. After all, if it is cold outside then there is a high chance that you will be using your gas way more than you would normally and the last thing that you need when you are snowed in is to have a gas malfunction. It also helps to have something that can help you to blow the snow off your driveway as well.

Image courtesy Pexels.

Entertainment Options

If the power goes down in your area goes down then you will need to have something to do for the next few days. You should always have enough entertainment to last you, and it even helps to have a battery-operated portable DVD player as well. This will help you to stay entertained and it will also stop you from getting too bored. If you have kids then this can be a fantastic way for you to stop them from losing their minds.

Never Use Hot Water

If you have a ton of ice outside your front door and you need to melt it then your first thought may be to reach for the kettle. This is the last thing that you want to do because it will only make the problem worse. Salt is your friend here!

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