young girl getting back massage

Top 4 Steps to Improving Your Posture

Please note: this is a contributed post.

With the busy lives that we lead, which can actually be quite sedentary for many, our posture can quickly take a turn for the worse if we let it. If you work in an office or are hunched over a computer for long hours every day, then your posture really can be impacted.

The same goes for jobs where you are on your feet; if you’re standing incorrectly, then it can impact your posture. And long-term, bad posture can lead to problems with your back, which can result in weakness in your chest area too. So being more conscious of what you are doing and what your posture is like, is a must.

If you don’t take steps to improve, then you may need to find a back surgeon to help. But in the meantime, there are things that you can be doing. So if your back hurts after sitting at the computer, or your shoulders regularly feel sore, here are some things that you can do to help.

girl holding arm
Image courtesy Pixabay.

Posture Tip – Don’t Slouch

If you slouch when you sit, then it can add some stress on your spine, which really can strain the bones in your back, as well as the muscles and the joints that hold it all together. The thing with slouching is that it isn’t just bad for your back, but bad for other things too, like your internal organs. When you slouch, they all squash together, making it harder on your lungs and digestive system. So this can lead to health problems long-term too. So sit upright, and avoid the slouch.

Stand Up Straight

If you want to improve your posture, then one really easy way is to stand up tall. Imagine that there is a string from the top of your head; pull it up and you will stand much straighter. Standing tall can help you to feel better, as well as look better as it can make you look slimmer. What to look out for is standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your shoulders back, straight knees, and stomach pulled in. If your hips are sticking out, then you’re not standing up straight. 

Remember Your Neck

If you are on your phone or tablet quite a lot, perhaps at work or throughout the day, then you should take a couple of minutes to stretch out your neck. This is because when you tilt your head over to look down at your phone, as no one holds it at eye-level, then it can really impact your spine. And if you are doing this daily, the strain and impact will add up if you’re not doing anything about it. So as well as stretching, lift the phone up a little, and move your eyes, rather than your head.

Sleep Posture

If you have a super soft mattress, where you just roll into the middle, then it could be time to ditch it. A firmer mattress will help hold your spine’s natural shape, being much better for you. If you sleep on your back, then avoid a big pile of large pillows, and choose a small one that can go under your neck.

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